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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Exercise is Useless For Weight Loss, So Can I Stop Now?

Eat too much and its unlikely you'll ever do enough exercise to burn it off. That's the worrying finding of a new study by a World Health Organization obesity research center. The research team studied the eating and exercise patterns of Americans over the past 30 years and concluded that their weight gain could be put down almost completely to over-eating. It found that declines in physical activity played only a "minor role".

Fast food and soda companies like to blame declining exercise levels, not their products, for the obesity epidemic. This study shows up their argument for what it is - baseless blame-shifting of the worst kind.

This study may be bad news for junk food sellers, but it's manna from heaven for those pushing diet pills and quick-fix, no-sweat weight loss gimmicks.

So before you seize on this latest study as the perfect excuse to ditch your exercise programs, consider this...

New studies seem to come out every day. And the problem with them - even the good ones - is that most people never read past the headlines. But they happily interpret them as an excuse to do what they've been wanting to do all along - like give up exercise!

Yes, exercise may not be as important for losing weight as restricting your calorie intake. But it still plays a part. And it's extremely important for cardio-vascular health.

My advice is simple.

Eat less to lose weight. Exercise more to help with the weight-loss and to keep your heart and lungs healthy.

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