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Thursday, October 31, 2013

Fatloss4idiots - A Legitimate Weight Loss Program?

What exactly is the Fatloss4idiots diet program all about?

Simply put, it is diet plan that shifts the amount of calories consumed, so that one's body always stays in a high metabolic mode. The plan allows one to have 4-6 meals per day by following selected food choices from their two lists provided. Research has shown that eating smaller meals more often increases one's metabolism to promote even greater weight loss.

How much weight can one realistically lose?

The Fatloss4idiots plan is designed for one to lose 9 pounds in 11 days by following their diet plans. The foods are chosen in certain combinations and then rotated during the 11 days. This calorie shifting tricks the body into always being in a calorie consuming frenzy. Also, by adding 30 minutes of daily exercise, those pounds will disappear faster.

What is the Fatloss4idiots online diet generator?

This feature of the plan gives one the option of choosing between two meal plans, the vegetarian and non-vegetarian. There is no need to count calories as the diet generator does it automatically. It also plans ones meals so one can be sure they are getting the proper nutrition and the right amount of calories.

Saved the best for last.

After eating 4-6 meals per day for 11 days, one is given three days of eating almost anything one desires. Then the 11 day program on the plan, and 3 days off, repeats itself. As with any diet program, drinking plenty of water is essential for optimal health and safe weight loss. Before starting any diet or exercise program, I highly recommended that one consult with their doctor for advice. I believe that this plan will help some on getting started on a healthier and slimmer body. Congratulations, on completing the first step by researching a valid diet plan. Knowledge is power.

For More Related Topics Blog: Weight Loss Exercise Plans

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