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Monday, October 28, 2013

How Effective Are Quick Weight Loss Diets?

Are you in a terrible hurry to lose weight because you have some important event coming up? You perhaps have to attend a high school reunion or a wedding and the thought of carrying a few extra pounds of weight fills you with despair. It is very tempting to use drastic measures because there are so many quick weight loss diets available, all tempting you with the possibility of losing weight rapidly.

A majority of these quick weight loss diets are usually very effective in the short term. You do lose weight very fast when your intake of calories comes down quickly. The problem is that there may be a heavy price to pay in the long term, quite literally. Your body does not react well to sudden shortages of food and may start to create stores of fat.

The other problem with this method of weight loss is that it leaves you with very little energy to exercise. This can prove to be a big mistake because exercise not only burns calories but also makes your body healthy by increasing your metabolic rate. If you exercise well, you will have a radiant healthy look whereas if you go on crash diets you will merely look gaunt.

You will also become irritable and off mood if your body is constantly craving food.

This does not mean that all quick weight loss diets are bad. Take care to select one that does not promise you extremely quick results. It should also be reasonably well balanced. For example, you could probably do to reduce the amount of carbohydrates you eat but you certainly should never attempt to cut them out entirely from your diet. In the same way, you should increase the amount of proteins you eat, but make sure that you eat extra fruits and vegetables as well. You can safely reduce the amount of fats and sugars you eat, bringing them down to almost zero, because your other foods will contain small amounts of them in any case.

In the final analysis, you could certainly do strict diets, but only if you still manage to get the nutrition you require in order to keep your body functioning properly. Use them up to a point, to get started or to look great for a particular event, and then focus on eating healthy and exercising well. You cannot fail to lose weight if you do this.

For More Related Topics Blog: Unexplained Weight Loss

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