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Friday, October 4, 2013

Comprehensive Weight Loss Programs - Are They Too Slow?

A weight loss program that is "comprehensive" usually includes things like the actual diet, counseling, education about food choices and lifestyle changes. The dieter may have to attend as little as one meeting a week with a counselor to as many as several group meetings.

These programs diets are usually based on the American Heart Associations. This means calorie counts between 1,200 to 1,600. They are always nutritionally balanced, low in fats and higher in protein. These diets along with education can really work wonders for people trying to lose weight. The only thing is they do not work that fast. The average weight loss on most of these diets is one to two pounds a week. This is actually a good rate to lose at and it has been proven that people who lose at a slower rate are more apt to keep the weight off.

These comprehensive type diets are often run by medical centers and weight loss clinics. They will also provide the dieter with education about exercise and lifestyle changes. By taking advantage of all aspects of the programs, the dieters are more apt to lose the weight a little quicker. They will also learn to make changes in their everyday lives that will help them to keep the weight they lose off for good.

This type of program is often offered in advance of a person undergoing bariatric or "lap-band" surgery. This helps get the person ready for the type of changes they are going to have to make and keep for the rest of their lives after the surgery. It also shows doctors that the person is willing to make these changes.

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